天網成功考取ISO 27001資訊安全管理系統認證!
Release Date:2023/02/21Views:1,704
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天網為提升公司發展、積極強化服務體系及流程, 向客户提供建基於國際安全標準的資訊服務,天網在去年年底通過與第三方認證機構BSI 考核,成功考取ISO 27001資訊安全管理系統認證。通過考取認證,公司的服務台系統(Help Desk system)能以更安全化、標準化以及清晰化,為客戶提供安全而優質的支援服務。

在未來,天網會以可靠專業及安全的Help Desk system為客戶繼續提供業務發展及持續需求。



Providing high-quality service has always been our long-term development prospects, in order to enhance our service and process and to conform to the international standards, we are delighted to announce that we passed the ISO 27001 audit successfully in 2022 through the third-party certification body BSI.


Certification to ISO 27001 for our Helpdesk system allows us to demonstrate our commitment to provide excellent IT support services by managing the security of our client’s information seriously and adhering to internationally recognized standards.


In the future, we are committed to continual improvement on providing a reliable, professional and secure system to support the continuous business need and growth of our clients.